VideoStory sneak peek, additional roads and new ways to support.

I’m extremely ecstatic, bordering the state of euphoria, to tell you what’s going on and what’s to come.
At the moment of writing this I’m in southern Finland, to capture some important moments of a man’s story, which has been in the making for a year now.

It has been a great honor to work with this man, to witness the


Evolution of Humane Story: Past, Present, Future.

A blink of an eye, and another year has gone by. A lot has happened in the past year, once again… It seems that there have been several steps forward, and in some areas a few steps backwards. But the direction is certain, forward. There has been a lot to learn, a lot to discern. Personally and globally.

We are


Thank you.

The past year has been truly, an exciting ride. Lot’s of ups ’n downs, twists ’n turns, jumps ’n tumbles, and life keeps on surprising.

Having faced new lows, new darkness inside and outside.
At times I try to escape it or I think I’ve overcome it,
only for it to come up in my face with an


Additional depth on my feelings for this project.

This week I have been sending some partnership requests and I was able to share my feelings quite well. I want to share a small part of the text with you, to give some more depth on my motivation and goals for this project.

“I’m building a series of stories. From people everywhere in the world. I started to play


We are now LIVE!

After a lot of hard work, sweat and some salty tears, the website is finally complete. Though it is constantly evolving.

My emotions have revolved around utter desperation and wanting to flip over tables to the excitement of a child discovering ice cream. But persevering through this and with the help of some dear friends, I was able to make
